I have always told my children the reason we have two ears and one mouth is because its twice as important to listen than it is to talk. Take the Christian life for example. What we do is far more reaching than what we say for we can say one thing and do another that is contrary. In fact, the Pharisees and Sadducees were keepers of the law to a “T" but missed Christ right in front of them. They were, in essence, to busy talking and not hearing from Jesus Himself. They were starring truth in the face and didn’t recognize it because they didn’t recognize Him. They were not listening and their actions spoke so much louder than their words ever could have. As a result they crucified their own savior.
This got me thinking on senses of the body. We are given five sense, the mouth, eyes, nose, ears, and touch. Four of the five are located on our head which is the most vital part of us. It is the primary and central location to which we process the world around us. But to whom do these senses really belong too? When looking at the senses, is no coincidence the reason why we are the body of Christ and Jesus is the head as described in 1 Corinthians beginning at vs 12. On the head is the location of all senses but one and is by far the most important part of the body. It is where all information is filtered through. Jesus has control of all senses leaving touch to the body.
Let’s start with the most far reaching and possibly devastating part, the tongue. It has the power to start and end wars. Now, being in Christ we no longer have possession of our tongue, even Jesus said He only say what the Father tells Him to speak John 12:49. If Jesus tongue was held by the father then ours certainly is to. Our tongue is to uses for Godly things now, yet at times it slips away from us and rattles of it’s own words. This is very dangerous for what the flesh has to say is nothing good and will not glorify the kingdom. We are given an example of a slaved tongue through Christ and as new creatures the ability to tame and turn over control of it to the Father as well.
Moving on to smell. 2 Corinthians 2:15, as new creatures we are like a sweet aroma that is pleasing to God. Ephesians 5:2 states that we are to walk in love as Christ loved and offered Himself up as a sacrifice as a fragrant aroma. So the sweat smell is Christ offer for us in sacrifice but also a sweet aroma from His beloved children as well. We leave a sweet aroma in out walk in Christ that is identifying like a lily from a rose to our Father. It is pleasing to know that in our salvation we have a sweet fragrance that is of the sweet fragrance of Christ’s sacrifice for us.
As we look at another sense of the head we move to the eyes. That which is a glimpse into our soul. What we find with Christ as the head is we no longer see with earthly eyes for in 1 Corinthians chapter 1 show us is that we are to see all things through the lens of God and not man. We are to put Jesus at the center of all we experience. Jesus gave us the perfect example of seeing. He is the litmus. Jesus said to the, the son can do nothing by Himself, He can only do what He sees the Father doing, because what the Father is doing, the Son does also. John 5:19. So as a result we are to see what Jesus is doing and has done and are to emulate that as well. We are to see through the lens of God.
The final sense of the head are the ears. Jesus says who ever belongs to God hears what He is saying, the reason you do not hear is because you do not belong to God, John 8:47. He is our ears. We belong to Him. He even give us a warning it we do not hear and that is because we so not belong to God. Like a bond servant who chooses to remain a slave to a good master, and that master pierces his ear to show who he belongs to, so to is that a signification of our belonging to God. When we understand the word, understand the spirit, and understand in prayer, we are hearing Him and we know our masters voice. Our ears belong to God. That only leaves once sense that is up to the body.
That leaves on final sense, touch. That touch is represented by the fruits of the spirt of the body, both individual as well as the body of the church. We are to be the hands and feet of the body, the one who God chose to carry the good news of Christ, and that requires action of the body. 1 Corinthians chapter 13 even directs us how to move those hands and feet, in love. All we do we do so in love so that as the body our actions are louder that our words. That way of life in love is not something that we can do on our own in our old flesh. In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul describes that anyone who’s head is Christ, who belongs to Jesus, anyone who is in Christ, is a new creature, the old is dead and the new is here. The evidence is the way we live our lives, the actions that we take, and the fruits we bare, and the love we show.
This new creature is given a new head as well which is further delineation of a changed man and Jesus is that head. In Christ we are to be silent and let Him speak His words and convey His will through us. In Christ we are to see through his eyes, and emulate His actions only. In Christ we are to hear through his ears for we belong to Him. We, in our salvations, are even to be a sweet fragrance and aroma to Him. This is the catalyst of a Godly live. It is denial of ourselves and affirmation of God working through us as well as the body of the church by letting Him be the head and lead and Lord of the body.
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